Make sure to check out our gatherings tab for summer happenings!! (click here)

God’s Country Cowboy Church of Loveland started as a bible study in a back yard, moving into a small dairy barn and later growing to our current location on highway 34 (West of I-25 in Loveland, CO).
We are a bible believing church with Christ Jesus at the center.
Our goal is to glorify God every day, in every way.
From Pastor Greg:
Happy New year to our church family! May we see The presence and blessings of our Lord and Savior in new and abundant ways in 2024. I am excited for you family and God’s plan for our future together! We cherish you all!
Thank you for your faithfulness and love.
Here we go!
We are currently meeting in person and live streaming on Vimeo and on God’s Country Cowboy Church-Loveland Facebook Group at 10:15am each Sunday morning. Live stream goes live after share time is over so around 10:30am.
Please family. Be aware of our financial needs. Please give as the Lord directs you. Our website is set up to take tithes and offerings through the “Donate” tab on the right side of the menu at the top of this page.
Contact Information
Physical Address: 5505 West Highway 34 Loveland, CO
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 7415 Loveland, CO 80537
Phone (970) 635-0044
Emergency Phone: (970) 669-2449